It is pleasant that at the Faculty of Finance and Economics of the Tajik National University at the initiative of the faculty administration and with the support of individual entrepreneurs 39 classrooms were equipped with modern educational tools – projectors and surveillance cameras, which help to monitor learning and educational processes at the faculty. At the same time, with the support of the university administration, computers were provided for each classroom.

The purpose of this initiative is to:

1. Installation of audio surveillance cameras allows you to monitor the process of learning activities without disrupting the learning process during the teacher’s lesson, which leads to improved teaching and facilitates quality control of learning, also in the future contributes to increased education and research work in the department, including:

– evaluating the process of teachers’ lessons;

– assessment of student learning process;

– evaluating teachers’ use of active materials and techniques in lessons;

– evaluating students’ and teachers’ adherence to dress instructions, attendance with required materials, non-use of cell phones, and other instructional requirements;

2. Installation of projectors and computers – Modern teaching tools allow teachers to use modern methods, including:

– Use the most current educational and scientific methods in the classroom;

conduct lessons through presentations;

– Use slide shows in the course of the lesson;

– showing videos to students;

– Show students the rich materials of Internet resources through projectors and show them how to use them;

– Use additional materials from the world’s digital libraries and teach students how to use them;

– to provide students with the most up-to-date information about the country and the world;

– to present students with video lesson materials from the world’s most experienced educators, practitioners from ministries and departments, and experts from the country and the world;

– provide students with the opportunity to present their presentation materials in practical classes, etc.