The main goal of the Department of Banking is to train highly qualified specialists in the field of banking, and the Department is constantly striving to implement the policy of the government of the country to train personnel that meet the requirements of modernity. Personnel trained by the department can work in all spheres of the country’s economy, and in this area students are taught by highly qualified teachers. On the basis of the department there are scientific circles that play a key role in the formation and improvement of students’ knowledge. One of the important tasks of the department is to create an effective system for teaching students, and in this context, the teachers of the department carry out their research work. It can be noted that today the specialists trained by the department play a worthy role in the formation and comprehensive development of the national economy.

The Department of Banking of the Faculty of Finance and Economics of the Tajik National University was established by the decision of the Academic Council of the Tajik State University in 1999 as an independent department by order of the rector of the Tajik State University.

The Department of Banking is considered one of the specialized departments of the university and conducts research and educational activities related to modern problems of the country’s banking sector.

The topic, reflecting the main research direction and approved by the R&D plan for 2021-2025, is called “Ensuring the financial stability of credit institutions by increasing their stability in the conditions of industrialization and innovative economy”. In 10 directions, full-time teachers of the department carry out their research activities.

Also, one of the important aspects of the department’s activity is active participation in educational and organizational activities, teachers and students participate in all events of various levels.