The Constitution is the guarantor of human and civil rights and freedoms


Today 04.11.2022. according to the plan of measures of the Faculty of Finance and Economics, devoted to the celebration of 28th anniversary of the Constitution of the Republic of Tajikistan, at the faculty was conducted scientific-practical meeting with participation of some guests under the motto “Constitution – the Guarantee of the rights and freedoms of man and citizen”. At this meeting dean of the faculty, professor Ibrohimzoda Ilhomuddin Rajabali, associate professor of the chair of Business and Commercial Law TNU Mansuri Shodmon, teacher of the chair of Business and Commercial Law TNU Shahkarim Sultonovich Shabonov, n.i.h, The lecturer of the department of constitutional law of TNU Khumoyun Sharofiddinovich Imomov, representative of law enforcement agencies and civil servant Hakimov Yakub Bakhtiyeriddinovich, head of the department of finance and insurance, associate professor Ikromov Fazliddin, Deputy Dean for educational work Saidov Kiyomiddin and teachers and students took part.