International Conference at the Department of Banking


Sustainable development of the national economy and strengthening of macroeconomic indicators in modern conditions largely depend on the extensive activities of credit institutions. The provision of the economy with monetary resources, the financing of priority sectors of the national economy of the country is carried out through credit institutions.

From this point of view, credit institutions have taken an important place in the economic system of each individual country, and the development of a mechanism to ensure the financial sustainability of these organizations is considered relevant and timely. It should be noted that with the transition to a digital economy and the implementation of economic relations through innovative technologies, the role of banks in the economy will still increase. After all, settlements between economic entities are made in non-cash form through credit institutions, which accelerates the process of transition to the digital economy. In this case, the implementation of the fourth strategic goal of the country, the accelerated industrialization is ensured through the use of financial resources of credit institutions and investments of commercial banks, the development of the country’s economy. Therefore, to achieve the fourth strategic goal of the country, the Department of Banking of the Faculty of Finance and Economics of the Tajik National University, in accordance with the scientific plans of the department held an international scientific conference on “Mechanisms of financial stability of credit institutions under industrialization and innovation economy”, which was attended by representatives of the National Bank of Tajikistan, SB “Amonatbank”, JSC “Spitamen Bank”, JSC “Tavhidbank”, Institute of Economics and Democracy, аlso, university professors from the neighboring countries of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, and Uzbekistan took part in the presentations in a remote format.