Today (20.02.2022) at the initiative of the Department of World Economy of the Faculty of Finance and Economics of the TNU held a national scientific seminar on “The creation of a national regime of financing and the mechanism of its operation in a globalized world” dedicated to the 80th anniversary of Associate Professor M.N. Khudoeva.

Rector of the University, Professor K.Kh. Khushvakhtzoda made an opening speech at the meeting. He began his speech about the importance of the seminar and noted that M.N. Khudoev, is one of the famous economists of the country and has a significant contribution to the development and revision of educational programs, textbooks, in the training and education of youth and highly qualified specialists. Under his leadership, graduate students, research associates, research work, including those from foreign countries. He is one of those qualified and experienced teachers in his profession, the likes of which are rare to find.

Then dean of the faculty, Doctor of Economics, professor I. R. Ibragimzoda spoke about the contribution of M.N. Khudoev in economic science and mentioned that M.N. Khudoev is the author of more than 100 publications and scientific works, including 22 monographs, abstracts and scientific articles, published in the country and abroad. In his scientific works and articles Khudoev M.N. highlights priority directions of the economic science, including issues of forming market relations in Tajikistan, agrarian policy, tax and budget policy, investment policy and mechanism of its implementation, management and regulation of external debt, improving financial control and increasing efficiency of state bodies, specifically discusses economy of Tajikistan during globalization, membership in the World Trade Organization, inflation and labor market, establishing national regime.

Also, the Head of the Department of World Economy – M. Saidmuradova, Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Sciences of Tajikistan, Doctor of Economics, Professor L. Saidmuradzoda, Associate Professor of the Department of World Economy R. Mirbobaev participated and spoke at the seminar. 

At the end, it was mentioned that Khudoev M.N. made a significant contribution to the development and consideration of draft laws of the Republic of Tajikistan on competition and limitation of monopoly activities in commodity markets, treasury, public finance, financial control, state budget, education, youth policy and other economic and social documents.