Day of workers of financial bodies of the Republic of Tajikistan


December 7, 2022, at 9:00, at the departments of “Public Financial Management” and “Finance and Insurance” of the Faculty of Finance and Economics, dedicated to the “Day of employees of the financial authorities of the Republic of Tajikistan, a republican scientific and practical seminar was held on the topic “Improving the mechanisms of financial regulation in conditions of globalization.

The head of the Department of Science and Innovation of TNU Naboti R., Dean of the Faculty of Finance and Economics, Professor Ibrohimzoda I.I., Professor of the Department of Economic Geography and Tourism of the Tajik National University Umarov Kh.U. took part in the work of this scientific seminar. and among the invited guests: Doctor of Economics, Professor of the Institute of Economics and Demography of the National Academy of Sciences of Tajikistan Sharipov B.M., Director of the Association of Insurance Organizations of Tajikistan Abdulloeva M.M., Ph.D., Associate Professor of the Department of Finance and Credit International Tashkent Institute of Finance of the Republic of Uzbekistan Khomidova Farida (online), Leading Specialist of the Department of Tax Policy and Government Payments of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Tajikistan Muminzoda M.N., Specialist of the Department of Accounting Policy of Financial Reporting and Auditing of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Tajikistan Saidmurtazoev S.S. participated.