On April 15, 2023, in the hall of the House of the capital “Surush” under the title “You are the heart of Tajikistan, Dushanbe”, a grandiose event dedicated to the Day of the capital of the Republic of Tajikistan – the city of Dushanbe was held, where a 3rd year student of the specialty finance and credit, Faculty of Finance and Economics, Murtazoev Abdullo, was awarded the certificate of the scholarship holder of the mayor of Dushanbe and a cash prize.

We remind you that not so long ago a competition was held for a scholarship of the mayor of Dushanbe among all higher professional educational institutions of the country, in which the 3rd year student of the specialty “Finance and Credit” Abdullo Murtazoev, who became the winner of the scholarship of the mayor of Dushanbe, took an active part.