Position – Lecturer Academic degree – no Academic title – assistant


Yunusov Abdulaziz Yunusovich was born on September 29, 1996 in the family of an intellectual. In 2013, after graduating from the Tajik Turkish High School, he entered the Finance and Economics Faculty of the Tajik National University, majoring in 1-25010400-finance and credit, from which he graduated in 2018. After graduating from the University, from August 2018 to 2021, he worked as an assistant in the department of Finance at  Tajik National University. From September 2021 he has been teaching English groups as a Financial and Economic Lecturer in the department of Public Financial Management .

Work experience – 5 years

Scientific interest: finance, public finance, budget, stock market, financial market, capital market, financial management, etc.

Scientific work for the degree of Candidate of Economic Sciences on the topic “Institutional foundations of the development of the monetary police of the Republic of Tajikistan”.

Educational disciplines – public finance management, financial market, budget and budget system, financial management, financial mathematics, fundamentals of customs, etc.


  1. Икромов Ф.Н., Юнусов А.Ю., Саймуртазоев С.С. // Вестник Таджикского национального университета. Научный журнал. Серия социально-экономических и общественных наук. №10. – Душанбе, 2022. -С.194-201. ISSN 2413-5151;
  2. Financial-budgetary policy of the Republic of Tajikistan at the modern condition (Конференсияи ҷумҳуриявии илмию назарявии ҳайати устодону кормандони ДМТ бахшида ба “Солҳои рушди деҳот, сайёҳӣ ва ҳунарҳои иардумӣ (солҳои 2019-2021)” ва “400-солагии Миробид Сайидои Насафӣ” (20-27-уми апрели соли 2019) (саҳифаи 50-51));
  3. Бюджетирования как инструмент финансового планирования (Конференсияи Ҷумҳуриявии илмию назарявӣ дар мавзӯи танзими андозию буҷетии иқтисодиёти Ҷумҳурии Тоҷикистон дар шароити муосир қисми 2 (саҳифаи 127-130));
  4. Financial planning and forecasting (Конференсияи Ҷумҳуриявии илмию назарявӣ дар мавзӯи танзими андозию буҷетии иқтисодиёти Ҷумҳурии Тоҷикистон).