Head of the Department: Ikromov Fazliddin Nuriddinovich – Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor
Address: 734025, Dushanbe, 17 Rudaki Ave.
Tel.: (+992) 981-07-67-67
Email address: fazliddin-91-91@mail.ru

The main purpose of the department is to train economists in the field of finance and customs for various sectors of the national economy, to create a personnel reserve with deep professional knowledge, communication skills and social competence, the ability to quickly and effectively make decisions related to issues in the field of finance and customs, taking into account the formation and development of the economy of the modern Republic of Tajikistan.
By the decision of the Academic Council of the Tajik National University, the name of the Department of Financial Management has been changed to Public Financial Management since 2020.

The Department of Public Financial Management is considered one of the profile departments of the University and carries out research and scientific and educational activities related to modern problems of finance and customs in the economy of the Republic of Tajikistan.
The department makes efforts to train modern specialists based on the modern requirements of the labor market. Today, graduates of subordinate specialties of the department have stable activities in various sectors of the economy both within the country and abroad, have close ties with the department.

To train specialists, teachers of the department use modern teaching methods and tools in the course of classes.
RESEARCH WORK: “Improving the mechanism of public financial management in the conditions of innovative development and industrialization of the Republic of Tajikistan”
THE PROBLEM OF RESEARCH WORK OF THE DEPARTMENT: “The mechanism of public financial management in the process of sustainable innovation and industrial development of the Republic of Tajikistan”
SCIENTIFIC SUPERVISOR: Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor Ikromov Fazliddin Nuriddinovich
Ikromov F.N., c.e.s., associate professor | Macroprudential regulation of financial stability of the banking system of the Republic of Tajikistan |
Hikmatov S.Ҳ., c.e.s., associate professor | Improvement of the mechanism of management of the State budget of the Republic of Tajikistan |
Davlatshoev O.Ҳ., c.e.s., associate professor | The role of public finance in regulating the economic development of the Republic of Tajikistan |
Davlatmurodov Sh.M., c.e.s., associate professor | Issues of financial regulation of economic and social development of the Republic of Tajikistan |
Tojiboeva F.E. c.e.s., senior lecturer | Improving the tax mechanism in the national economy |
Tursunov I.H., c.e.s., senior lecturer | Financial and economic mechanism of formation of a free economic zone in the Republic of Tajikistan and the main directions of its further development |
Hakimov I.B., senior lecturer | Financial mechanism of state regulation of the economy and its improvement |
Amonova A.D., senior lecturer | Ways to improve public finance management in the Republic of Tajikistan |
Jahonshoh S., Senior Lecturer | Improvement of the mechanism for attracting foreign investments into the economy of the Republic of Tajikistan |
Mamadrizoiyon S., assistant | Improving the mechanisms for ensuring the financial stability of insurance companies |
Yunusov A.Yu. assistant | Analysis of the development of monetary policy institutions in modern conditions |