Deputy Dean for academic affairs in the distance learning form of the Faculty of Finance and Economics, TNU
Candidate economic sciences, assistant professor
Surname, name: Abdurakhmonov Farukh Abdulloyevich
Since January 2020, she has been working as deputy dean for academic affairs at the Faculty of Finance and Economics of the Tajik National University.
Year of birth: 11/08/1985
Place of birth: d. Hovaling
Nationality: Tajik
Education: higher
Graduated from the Tajik National University in 2008.
Specialty: Academic degree: | Information systems in economics candidate economic sciences, assistant professor |
Knowledge of foreign languages: Was elected as a deputy: | Russian fluent, English with a dictionary not |
Government awards: | 1. Diploma of the People’s Democratic Party of Tajikistan (2019); 2. Thanks to the People’s Democratic Party of Tajikistan (2021); 3. Diploma of the Faculty of Finance and Economics of the TNU (2021); |
Family status: Foreign trips: Partisanship: | Semenin, has four children – People’s Democratic Party of Tajikistan |
2003-2008 | Student at the Faculty of Economics and Management, Tajik National University |
2008-2009 | Head of the System and Network Laboratories of the Faculty of Economics and Management |
2009-2017 | Assistant Professor, Department of Information Systems in Economics, Faculty of Economics and Management, Tajik National University |
2013-2017 | Postgraduate student at the Faculty of Economics and Management, Tajik National University |
2017-2018 | Senior Lecturer, Department of Information Systems in Economics, Faculty of Economics and Management, Tajik National University |
2018-2019 | D. in Economics, Senior Lecturer, Department of Information Systems in Economics, Faculty of Economics and Management, Tajik National University |
2018-2020 | Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs in Distance Education, Faculty of Economics and Management, Tajik National University |
from 01.10.2019 | Associate Professor, Department of Information Systems in Economics, Faculty of Economics and Management, Tajik National University |
2020-2022 | Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs, Full-Time Faculty of Finance and Economics, Tajik National University |
from 01.09.2022 | Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs, Distance Learning, Faculty of Finance and Economics, Tajik National University |
from 2016 year | Member of the People’s Democratic Party of Tajikistan |
from 22.02.2021 to 02.04.2021 | Institute for Advanced Training of Teachers of Higher Education Institutions at the Tajik National University. Course: linguistics. Diploma №792. |
Author of more than 37 scientific and educational works, including 2 textbooks, 1 monograph, 35 scientific articles with a total volume of more than 44.5 p.p.
Scientific research is devoted to the improvement of water resources management in the region, sustainable development, as well as research in the area of water resources management mechanisms of transboundary rivers.