The composition of the department
Department head
tel: (+992) 989-12-13-18
Husaynov Manuchehr Nuruddinovich
Born on June 30, 1985 in a family of intellectuals. In 2003 he graduated from high school and entered the Faculty of Finance and Economics of the Tajik National University, graduated in 2008. After graduating from the university, in 2009 he entered the full-time postgraduate department of the Tajik National University, which he graduated in 2012. In 2019, he defended his thesis on the topic “Formation of horticultural clusters in the regional agro-industrial complex (on the example of regions of republican subordination of the Republic of Tajikistan” and was awarded a candidate of economic sciences. Since September 2011, he has been working as a senior lecturer at the Department of Finance and Insurance.
Total work experience since 2010
Work experience in the specialty 13 years
Scientific interests: regional economy, formation of agro-industrial clusters, finance, insurance and financial security.
Dissertations for Ph.D. topic: “Formation of horticultural clusters in the regional agro-industrial complex (on the example of regions of republican subordination of the Republic of Tajikistan” .

tel.: (+992) 918-81-42-40
E_mail : ilhomuddin@mail.ru
Ibragimzoda Ilhamuddin Rajabali – Academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Doctor of Economics, Professor
Year of birth: 06.15.1980, citizen of the Republic of Tajikistan, Education – in 2002 he graduated from the Institute of Taxation and Law of Tajikistan, in 2003-2004. in 2006 he defended his dissertation, and in 2019 he defended his doctoral dissertation.
Previous work experience – 2002-2003 working assistant, 2004-2006 Senior Lecturer at the Department of Economic Theory of the State University of Economics, 2006 Head of the Scientific Department of the Institute of Economics of Tajikistan, in 2007 Deputy. Dean of the Faculty of Management and Entrepreneurship of IET, in 2007 Associate Professor of the Department of Banking Activities of IET, in 2008 Head of the Department of Analysis and Audit of TNU, in 2009 Head of the Department of Banking Activities of IFT, in 2009-2012. Deputy Rector of the Financial and Economic Institute of Tajikistan for education and training, science and international relations, in 2012-2015. Deputy Rector of the Financial and Economic Institute of Tajikistan for education, 2015-2020 Associate Professor of the Department of Taxes and Taxation of TNU and doctoral student of St. Petersburg State University of Economics, from April to August 2020 he worked as Head of the Department of Taxes and Taxation of TNU, Head of the Department of Finance and Insurance. Since August 2022, he has been working as the Dean of the Faculty of Finance and Economics of TNU.

Tel: 919-63-27-76
Ulukhovaeva Hosiyat Raupovna – Doctor of Economics, Professor
She was born on January 23, 1945 in the city of Dushanbe in the family of an employee. In 1963 she graduated from high school and entered the Faculty of Economics of the Tajik State University named after V.I. Lenin . After graduating from the university in 1967 with “honours” she was left at the department of “Finance and Credit” as an assistant. In 1989 she defended on the topic “The Fund of Material Incentives and Issues of Its Improvement”, in 1992 Associate Professor of the Department of Finance and Credit
In 2000 she became an “excellent student of public education” In 2014 she defended her doctoral dissertation on the topic: “The main trends in the formation of the tax policy of Tajikistan in the transition period: theory and practice”
And in 2016, by order of the rector of the university, I am acting . professor. The total work experience is more than forty years.
Scientific interests: Finance, Financial regulation of the national economy, taxes and taxation, financial monitoring. Tax monitoring.
Subject taught: all financial disciplines in Russian groups: finance. State financial regulation, financial monitoring, finances of economic sectors, finances of budgetary organizations, insurance , insurance market, etc.
Advanced training – Russian Financial Academy, Kazakh Academy, Tashkent Economic University and in the USA 1994 at the Institute for Economic Development at the World Bank (certificates are available).

Tel. (+992) 907-75-51-44
Odinaev Furkat Farkhodovich
03.12.1969 place of birth: Dushanbe
nationality: tajik education: higher
In 1991 he graduated from the Faculty of Finance and Economics of the Tajik State University. IN AND. Lenina majoring in finance and credit
Knowledge of foreign languages: Russian, English. state awards, titles, awards: excellent student of education of the Republic of Tajikistan, 2012. 1986-1991 student of the Faculty of Finance and Economics of the Tajik State University. IN AND. Lenin. 1991-1996 Assistant of the Department of Finance and Credit, TSU. IN AND. Lenin. 1996. Art. Lecturer, Department of Finance and Credit, TSU named after IN AND. Lenin. 2008-2016. head Head of the Department of Financial Management of the Tajik National University April 2017 to 2020. Head of the Department of Finance of the Tajik National University. August 2020 to present Associate Professor of the Department of Finance and Insurance. Total work experience – 3 2 years.
Of these, by specialty: – 32 Scientific direction – financial and economic relations within the state and enterprises. Candidate’s dissertation in economics – Improvement of economic methods of management in health care (according to the materials of the Republic of Tajikistan), 2003
Training Courses – Finance, Corporate Finance, Public Financial Management

Tel. (+992) 93-943-77-77
Ismatov Asadullo Kurmatovich
Since November 1986 – Associate Professor of the Department of Economic Analysis, since 1993 – Senior Lecturer and Associate Professor of the Department of Economic Analysis and Audit since 2019/20, Associate Professor of the Department of Accounting, from August 17, 2020 to the present – Associate Professor of the Department of Finance and Insurance, Tajik National University. Year of birth: September 1, 1962
Place of birth: Abdurahmoni Jomi district. Nationality: TAJIK
Education: higher, in 1983 he graduated from the Tajik State University. IN AND. Lenin. Specialty: economist, accountant, Academic title: candidate of economic sciences, specialty 080012 “Accounting, analysis and control”. Knows foreign languages: English – fluent, Russian – fluent, Arabic – with a dictionary.
State prizes were awarded or not awarded: “Excellence in Education and Science of Tajikistan”. Marital status: Married. Address: Dushanbe city, Aini street, house 329, apt. 3
09/1983- 04/1985 SPMK-1 trust “Tajikselmontazh”, Position: Payroll engineer: accountant, then senior accountant. 04/1985-04/1986 MHP of the Kuibyshev region. Position. Senior accountant for materials. 04/1986-12/1986 Forestry in the Kofarnien region. Position. Senior accountant. 12/1986 -09/1990. Tajik State National University. Assistant of the department “Analysis of economic activity”. 12/1993 -02?2000 Tajik State National University. Associate Professor of the Department “Analysis of economic activity”. 02/2000-10/2001 Commercial bank “Kafolat”. Position. Chairman of the Internal Audit Department. Head of the Internal Audit Department. 09/2001-09/2003 Tajik State National University – doctoral student. 09/2003 – 06/2004 Tajik State National University. Associate Professor of Accounting . 07/2004 10&2005
Director of the Research Institute of Finance of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Tajikistan . 10.2005-7.2007 Head of the Department of Finance and Management, ADB Project Management Center “Program for the development of the microfinance system in the Republic of Tajikistan.” 07.2007-01/06/2011 Fononbank CJSC, head of the internal control and audit department. 01/06/11-31/08/2011 Chairman of the Board of CJSC “Sharq Audit”
31/08/11-25/08/12 Associate Professor of the Department of Information Technology and Logistics of the Economic Institute of Tajikistan. 25/05/12-27/08/14 Associate Professor of the Department of “Accounting and Audit” of the Financial and Economic Institute of Tajikistan. 28/08/14-22/09/15 Associate Professor of the Department “Audit and Audit” of the Financial and Economic Institute of Tajikistan. 22/09/15 – 3/01/18 Deputy Chairman of the Board of CJSC Spitamenbank. 1/02/18-1/09/19 Associate Professor of the Department of Information Technologies of the Financial and Economic Institute of Tajikistan. 1/09/19-17/08/20 Associate Professor of the Department of Accounting, Tajik National University. 08/17/20 – until today I work as an associate professor of “Finance and Insurance” of the Tajik National University.

Tel: 918-59-62-62
Abdulloev Abdurrasul Khalifaevich
Abdulloev A.Kh. was born on December 1, 1983 in the Rudaki region in a working class family. From 2001 to 2006 he studied at the Faculty of Finance and Economics of TNU with a degree in Finance and Credit, and in 2006 he successfully graduated from it. At the same time, after graduating from the university, he entered the graduate school of TNU as a candidate and defended his dissertation in 2011.
He began his career in 2006 as an assistant, senior lecturer, candidate of economic sciences at the Department of Finance of the Faculty of Finance and Economics of the Tajik National University, where he currently works. From 2018 to 2020 – Chairman of the Scientific and Methodological Council of the Faculty of Finance of the Faculty of Finance and Economics.
Work experience from 2006-2021 – April 2020 – May 2020 course at the Institute for Advanced Studies of Teachers of Higher Educational Institutions at TNU in the direction . Professional experience 15 years
Scientific interests: finance, insurance, fundamentals of reinsurance, regulation of insurance activities, securities market, finance of foreign countries, etc.
Academic disciplines: finance, insurance, basics of reinsurance, regulation of insurance activities, securities market, finance of foreign countries.
Advanced training: from April 2020 to May 2020 at the Institute for Advanced Studies of Teachers of Higher Educational Institutions of TNU, majoring in Economics. the dictates of the economy.

Tel: 981-04-04-04
Sharipov Umar jon Ahtamovich – Ph.D.
Candidate of Economics, Associate Professor
July 16, 1989 in the Firdavsi district of Dushanbe in the family of an employee.
In 1995, for the first time, she entered secondary school No. 51 of the Firdavsi district of Dushanbe, and in 2006 she successfully graduated from it.
In 2006, after graduating from high school, he entered the Faculty of Finance and Credit at the National University of Tajikistan (TNU), and in 2011 graduated from it with a degree in Finance and Credit Economist. From 2012 to 2013, he was an assistant at the Department of Stock Activities and Securities of the TSFEU, from 2013 to 2019, he was a senior lecturer at the Department of Insurance, from 2019 to 2021, he worked as a senior lecturer at the Department of Insurance, worked at TSFEU. From 2021 to the present, I continue my work as a senior lecturer in the Department of Finance and Insurance at the Tajik National University.
Also on June 15, 2019, on the topic “Improving the organizational and economic mechanism for activating investment processes in the region (on the materials of the Khatlon region of the Republic of Tajikistan)” in the dissertation Council D 999.020.02 at the Tajik National University and the Slavic University of Tajikistan and Russia is protected by the Higher Attestation Commission, created under the Ministry education and science of the Russian Federation.

(+992) 99-100-55-55
Kakhhorov Ave. , Room 90A
Gulakov Umedjon Mahmadovich
PhD in Economics, Associate Professor
Born on August 28, 1991 in the Pyanj district of the Khatlon region. In 1998, he went to secondary school No. 25, Pyanj district and studied there until the 3rd grade, then continued his studies at secondary school No. 18 in the Firdavsi district of Dushanbe and graduated with honors in 2009. Since 2009, he was a student of the Faculty of Finance and Economics of the Tajik National University and graduated in 2014 with honors. From 2015 to 2018 He was a full-time postgraduate student of the Department of Finance. In 2019, he defended his Ph.D. thesis on the topic “Development of interregional trade in the context of deepening integration processes” (based on the materials of the regions of the Republic of Tajikistan) in the specialty 08.00.05 – Economics and management of the national economy (regional economy); 08.00.14 – World economy. Annually participates in conferences and methodological seminars, during the time worked he published 1 monograph, 33 scientific articles and 3 teaching aids. Since September 2019, she has been a lecturer at the Department of Finance and Insurance.

tel: (+992) 200-90-10-10
Ziyoev Zulfikor Makhmadekubovich – PhD in Economics, Associate Professor
Ziyoev Zulfikor Mahmadyakubovich, born on June 17, 1990 in Dushanbe in the family of a businessman. In 1996, at the Shino District No. 89 High School. I started my primary education in Dushanbe, and since 2005 I have been studying at secondary school No. 18 in the Firdavsi district. I continued my studies in Dushanbe and graduated in 2007 with good grades. In the same year, I entered the Faculty of Finance and Credit of the Institute of Entrepreneurship and Service, and in 2015 I graduated from the Faculty of Finance and Economics of the National University of Tajikistan with a degree in 25010400 (“Finance and Credit”) and became an economist in the field of finance and credit.
After graduating from the university, I began working as an assistant at the Faculty of Finance of the Tajik State Financial and Economic University, and in 2017 I was admitted to the postgraduate course of the correspondence department of the Department of Economic Theory of Economics. State University TNU. In the same year, together with my supervisor – D.I.I., professor of the department of accounting, accountant, analysis and audit Kurbanov Abdulkhay Karimovich approved the topic of my scientific work.
In 2020, he defended his thesis on the topic “Financial and economic aspects of the development of leasing relations in agriculture (not on the example of the Republic of Tajikistan)” in the dissertation council 6D.KOA-004 at the National University of Tajikistan on the specialty 08.00.10 – Finance, cash transactions and a loan, which was approved by the Higher Attestation Commission under the President of the Republic of Tajikistan on April 30, 2021, and I was awarded the degree of candidate of economic sciences.
In 2021, I was appointed to the position of senior lecturer at the Faculty of Finance of TNU.

Phone: (+992) 934-51-45-45
Boboev Fuzail Jumaboevich, PhD in Economics, Associate Professor
Born on June 30, 1991 in the Republic of Tajikistan in an intellectual family. In 2009, he entered the Faculty of Finance and Economics at the Tajik National University and graduated in 2014 with a degree in finance and credit. After graduation, in 2015-2017, he studied in full-time postgraduate course at the Department of Financial Management at the Faculty of Finance and Economics of TNU. In 2018-2019, he was in charge of the TNU website, and also worked as an assistant in the departments of national economics and economic security in the Department of Economics and Management, and the Department of Financial Management in the Department of Finance and Economics at TNU. Since 2019 began to work as a senior lecturer at the Department of Financial Management of the Faculty of Finance and Economics of the Tajik National University, and since 13.01.2021 has been working as a deputy dean for science and international relations at the Faculty of Finance and Economics of the Tajik National University.
For his honorary services Boboev F.J., was awarded the “Certificate of Merit” of the Rector of the Tajik National University for his effective work in the field of education, educating young people in the spirit of self-cognition and patriotism, training specialists, Honorary Diploma of the Dean of the Faculty of Economics for effective work and valuable contribution to the development of research activities at the faculty, Honorary Diploma of the Rector of the Moscow Power University, as well as the Vice-Rector for International Relations of the Novosibirsk State University.
Bobov F.J. is the author of more than 40 scientific papers on topics related to the energy sector of Tajikistan: strategy for sustainable development, external debt of the Republic of Tajikistan within economic security, electric efficiency of regional economy as a factor of its economic development, financial sustainability of electric power company and factors influencing it, financial support of electric power for sustainable development of the Republic of Tajikistan and its regions, electric power export potential and its contribution in serving the beyond.

tel: (+992) 989-12-22-18
Saidova Mijgona Jamshedovna
March 24, 1991 in the teacher’s family. In 2009, she graduated from secondary school No. 30 in the city of Dushanbe, and in 2014 – the Faculty of Finance and Economics of the Tajik National University, the Department of Finance and Insurance, specializing in Finance and Credit. She is currently a postgraduate student at the Department of Finance and Insurance of TNU.
Total work experience in 2014.
Work experience in the specialty 7 years.
Scientific interests: finance, finance and credit, insurance, finance of budget organizations, agricultural finance, etc.
Subjects taught: finance and credit, finance, insurance management, financial leasing and monitoring, financial control, financial reports.

Tel: (+992) 985-01-67-17
Roziev Dilovar Astana қ ulovich
Born on January 21, 1991 in the Temurmalik region, in an intelligent family. In 1997, he began to study at the first grade of the secondary school No. 12 of the Temurmalik region. In the 11th grade, he took part in the Republican Mathematics Olympiad, took a place of honor, was awarded an honorary degree by the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Tatarstan. In 2008 he graduated from this school with excellent grades.
In the same year, after graduating from school, he applied to the National University of Tajikistan, to the Faculty of Finance and Economics, specialty 250400 (Finance and Credit). Thus, he graduated from this university in 2013 with honors.
Since 2013, he has been working and actively working in the TNU finance department as a department assistant.
Experience since 2013
Professional work experience: 9 years
Scientific interest: State regulation of the investment attractiveness of the light industry of the Republic of Tajikistan
Subjects: Finance, calculation of interest and return on securities, insurance, etc.
Advanced training: In April 2020 at the Institute for Advanced Studies at TNU.

tel.: (+992) 918-98-96-30
E_mail : munirabonu@mail.ru
Safarova Munira Ibodulloevna
Safarova Munira Ibodulloevna was born on November 12, 1991 in an intelligent family. In 2009 he graduated with honors from a secondary school in Dushanbe. In 2015, he graduated with honors from the National University of Tajikistan, Faculty of Finance and Economics with a degree in Finance and Credit. From 2010 to 2019 – worked as a laboratory assistant department of financial management. Since 2017, she has been working as a senior lecturer in finance and insurance. From 2019 to the present, he has been an applicant for the Department of Finance and Insurance. Total work experience 13 years. Professional experience of 8 years. Scientific direction: finance, taxes, budget, financial management. Academic disciplines – finance, finance of budgetary organizations, financial security, insurance, insurance activities in foreign countries, regulation of insurance activities, problems of the insurance system, insurance management. Advanced training: – September 2019, advanced training course at the Institute for Advanced Training of Teachers of Higher Professional Education Institutions under the Ministry of Education, for the study of languages. – On June 7, 2022, a full course of study on an additional professional program at the “Academy of Distance Education” in Omsk, as part of the program “Economics and Law: Tax and Taxation”.

(+992) 988-71-76-76
Sharifzoda Nurullo Sharif
He was born on October 26, 1994 in the family of a worker. In 2001 he entered general school №27 of Kulyab city, and in 2012 he graduated with good grades from general school №89 of the Sino district of Dushanbe city. In 2012, he entered Bokhtar State University named after Nasir Khusrav, and in 2017 he graduated with honors from the Faculty of Finance and Economics of the Tajik National University. From 2017 to 2019, he worked as an assistant at the Tajik State University of Finance and Economics. From 2019 to 2020 he served as a serviceman in the military unit 0123 of the border troops of the SCNS of Tajikistan. From 2020 to the present day he has been working as an assistant at the Department of Finance and Insurance of the Faculty of Finance and Economics at Tajik National University. Currently, he is a candidate of the Department of Banking of the Tajik State University of Finance and Economics. He has prepared a scientific thesis on the topic “Assessment of banking reserves as an element of financial-investment potential of the country”. Annually he participated in conferences and methodical seminars, published 20 scientific articles and 5 textbooks.