Discussions and meetings of the group of teachers of the Faculty of Finance and Economics of the Tajik National University continue in Khatlon Province. In particular, this morning (28.02.2023) an agitation group (Ashurov I. – head of the TNU Education Department, Sayfurov K. – Head of the Department of Banking of the Faculty of Economics of TNU and Zokirov A. – head of the Department of Economic Geography and Tourism, FEF TNU) met with officials of the sphere of education and a number of graduates of general educational institutions of Qubadiyan district of Khatlon Province (Schools № 48, 1, 2, 3, 47, 9, gymnasium 1, 2, a private school named “Barfigul” and Pedagogical College).

Another working group consisting of the head of the Department of Finance and Insurance of FEF TNU Khusainov M.N., head of the Department of Public Finance Management of FEF TNU Ikromov F.N. visited schools number 25, 6, 26, 1 of Nasyr-Khusravsky district of Khatlon region, met with teachers of this school education, and expressed their views on the benefits of education at faculties of the Tajik National University.

Also, another working group consisting of Saidmurodova M.A., head of the Department of World Economy of the TNU FEF, and Gulov Sh.M., head of the Department of Taxes and Taxation of the TNU FEF, visited the Lyceum for Gifted Students of Shahritus District, the vocational lyceum of the district and several schools of Shahritus District of Khatlon Province, held meetings and consultations, and expressed their views on the benefits and opportunities of studying at TNU faculties.